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Increasing PrEP Access in Iowa

PrEP has been available for use as HIV prevention since 2012 but uptake among those who could benefit from it most remains relatively low in Iowa. This is why, at the end of 2016, the Iowa Department of Public Health decided to commit resources to building infrastructure, increasing awareness and access, and supporting individuals who are ready to put the power of HIV prevention in the palm of their hands.

We're here to provide the most useful and up-to-date information to ensure that you, or anyone in Iowa who wants to utilize PrEP for HIV prevention, can easily understand, navigate, and obtain PrEP.

Think there is something useful that we're missing? Let us know! This website is full of contact forms. Please use them! We'd love to hear from you to ensure that we are supporting the health of Iowans in every way that we can.

In Service,

Cody J. Shafer

EIS/PrEP Coordinator

Iowa Department of Public Health

Questions or comments? Contact us!

©2022 by PrEP Iowa

PrEP Iowa partners with advertising agencies to reach Iowans who may benefit from PrEP. To learn more about our privacy policies click here.

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